Tag của Plugin: wordpress.org
Theme Check
(195 tổng đánh giá)A simple and easy way to test your theme for all the latest WordPress standards and practices. A great theme development tool!
Order Barcode Plugin
(2 tổng đánh giá)Order Barcode generates unique barcodes for each indiviual order placed on your site. These barcodes can be used as packing slips, order confirmation …
Simple Contacts Manager
(2 tổng đánh giá)A simple contact manager for your personal and business use.
Simple Theme Demo Importer Plugin
(4 tổng đánh giá)Simple Theme Demo Importer plugin will help to import the theme demo content based on the Demos are available. Easily customizable for the Theme Devel …
Simple Taxonomy WYSIWYG
(2 tổng đánh giá)A very simple plugin that will convert the taxonomy/category description textarea to a WYSIWYG (TinyMCE) form.
Simple Constant Contact
(3 tổng đánh giá)Simple Wordpress Constant Contact Plugin to take name and email and allow to send that information straight to Constant Contact
Disable Downloadable Repeat Purchase – WooCommerce
(1 tổng đánh giá)For WooCommerce. Disable the ability for logged in users to purchase items they already own that are downloadable.
WP Plugin Banner
(0 tổng đánh giá)Easily display the banner image and title of a plugin on the WordPress.org Directory within your WordPress posts.
Username replacer
(0 tổng đánh giá)For popular blogengines only. Aliases for users and communities (read FAQ section) will be replaces with correct HTML code.
Tag With Hash
(1 tổng đánh giá)Automatically turn terms into tags if you precede them with a #. Nonexisting tags are created.
career builder job search plugin
(0 tổng đánh giá)Simple widget which fetch jobs from careerbuilder.com api .
Simple Posts Generator
(1 tổng đánh giá)A straight forward Posts Generator for Developers and Testers.
Gallery Made Easy
(1 tổng đánh giá)Instantly create responsive image galleries within a simple and customizable interface. Just upload, add, organise and publish.
(0 tổng đánh giá)FifthEstate connects our partner WordPress.org blogs to fifthestate.com, so posts can be viewed by FifthEstate users worldwide. Join today!
Simple Widget Factory Plugin
(1 tổng đánh giá)SIMPLE WIDGET FACTORY is a plugin which is been able to create custom widget areas according to the column position value given to the input field.
List Plugin Details
(0 tổng đánh giá)This tiny plugin lists selected plugin details which are provided on wordpress.org. It allows you to show a showcase of your developed or your preferr …