
Giao diện

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  • Phiên bản 1.1.1
  • Cập nhật lần cuối 24 – 12 – 2023
  • Số lượt cài đặt 900+
  • Phiên bản WordPress 6.0
  • Phiên bản PHP 7.0

VisualBlogger is a WordPress blogging theme built with the WordPress site editor, which allows you to create beautiful blogging sites with drag and drop, no coding skills required. This theme comes with 11+ homepage styles and 19 pre-designed block patterns that you can use to create your own designs by combining different block patterns. Theme Demo: https://demo.wpenjoy.com/visualblogger/ Documentation: https://wpenjoy.com/documentation/visualblogger/

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Số lượt cài đặt: 900+