ACF Nav Menu Field

Mô tả

ACF Nav Menu field provides navigation menu field type in the field groups and displays on posts, pages, users, taxonomy terms, media, comments, and even custom options pages. We can call and display the menu as ACF using the get_field() function.

Here’s a link to the documentation for the plugin. This will help you learn more about its features and how to use it.
For any feedback or queries regarding this plugin, please contact our Support team.

Ảnh màn hình

  • Choose Nav Menu Field

Cài đặt

From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit Plugins > Add New
  2. Search for “ACF Nav Menu Field”
  3. Activate ACF Nav Menu Field from your Plugins page

Hỏi đáp

How we can use the ACF Nav menu plugin?

Follow the below steps:

  1. Once install the plugin, create a field group using the ACF plugin.
  2. Add a new field with field type Nav Menu. This field comes under the “Choice”.
  3. Choose the location where you want to show the Nav menu like posts, pages, taxonomy, etc.
  4. Display menu using get_field() function.

Đánh giá

31 Tháng năm, 2023
I just installed and tested this plugin, it works as it’s supposed to.
14 Tháng mười, 2022 1 trả lời
This is just what I needed. I’m using multiple menus per page and this plugin alows me to chose one from all the created menus in the wordpress Dashboard.
12 Tháng tám, 2022 1 trả lời
Doesn’t work. Hasn’t been update in nearly a year and the author is not interacting with support requests.
6 Tháng năm, 2022
Plugin claims to need ACF or ACF Pro, even though it’s installed and activated.
21 Tháng ba, 2022
The plugin displays the message “ACF Nav Menu Field plugin needs “Advanced Custom Fields or Advanced Custom Fields PRO” to run. Please download and activate it”. But I already have ACF Pro 5.12 installed and in use. There’s a thread in the support forum about it, but the author didn’t reply.
Đọc tất cả 5 đánh giá

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