Tag của Plugin: rest-api
REST API Featured Image
(3 tổng đánh giá)This plugin will add the featured image src URL field to the WordPress Rest API.
WP REST API – Pure Taxonomies
(5 tổng đánh giá)This plugin include all available taxonomy attributes into the WordPress REST API (v2) without additional API requests.
CoCart CORS Support
(0 tổng đánh giá)Enables support for CORS to allow CoCart to work across multiple domains.
API Bearer Auth
(6 tổng đánh giá)Access and refresh tokens based authentication plugin for the REST API.
Disable REST API for Real
(3 tổng đánh giá)Really prevents the REST API from handling requests (default) or require user to be logged in.
REST API for Relevanssi
(3 tổng đánh giá)The plugin provides a REST API endpoint for the Relevanssi search plugin.
Mini Program API
(0 tổng đánh giá)由丸子小程序团队基于 WordPress REST 创建小程序应用 API 数据接口,实现 WordPress 连接小程序应用数据。
REST API blocks
(2 tổng đánh giá)Add gutenberg blocks data into the post / page REST API endpoints.
(6 tổng đánh giá)Extends the WordPress REST API post, term, and user query results with an array of meta tags and Schema JSON-LD markup.
(0 tổng đánh giá)WP OpenAPI is a WordPress plugin to provide the OpenAPI spec and a beautifu viewer for your WordPress REST API.
WP REST API Sidebars
(1 tổng đánh giá)An extension for the WP REST API that exposes endpoints for sidebars and widgets.
Products and Orders Last Modified for WC REST API
(0 tổng đánh giá)Retrieve Last Modified Products and Orders via WooCommerce REST API
Jomres Hotel Booking Engine for WordPress
(25 tổng đánh giá)Build your own Online Travel Agency like Booking.com or AirBNB
Ajax Load More: REST API
(0 tổng đánh giá)An Ajax Load More extension that adds compatibility for the WP REST API.