Mô tả
This free WordPress plugin allows to accept payments from credit/debit cards using Authorize.net Gateway. You can add more custom fields with any coding from wp-admin.
This allows you to add your own services lists and receive payments.
After a making payment, your customers will be receive invoice from Authorize.net.
If you will enable send invoice option from your Authorize.net merchant account.
You can enable/disable send customer receipt setting from plugin setting option.
reCAPTCHA protects internet users from spam.
List all payments in wp-admin and print each payment receipt.
Cài đặt
- Upload the directory ‘/wp-service-payment-form-with-authorizenet/’ to your WP plugins directory and activate from the Dashboard of the main blog.
- Configure the plugin at Dashboard > Service Payment.
- And use [wpspf-paymentform] shortcode for display payment form.
- Add additiona form fields at Dashboard > Service Payment > Form Fields Settings.
- Form fields naming document at Dashboard > Service Payment > Settings document.
Hỏi đáp
None at this time
Đánh giá
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“WP Service Payment Form With Authorize.net” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.
Những người đóng gópDịch “WP Service Payment Form With Authorize.net” sang ngôn ngữ của bạn.
Muốn tham gia phát triển?
Duyệt code, check out SVN repository, hoặc theo dõi nhật ký phát triển qua RSS.
Nhật ký thay đổi
** V 1.0 **
Stable initial release
** V 1.2 **
Add google re-captcha
** V 2.0.0 **
Add dynamic form fields setting option
List all payments
Print payment receipt
** V 2.0.1 **
Fix php error
** V 2.0.2 **
Fix table create issue during activation of plugin.
Add enable/disable send customer receipt features.
Add feature to accept customer ID from customers.
Add settings document page.
** V 2.2.0 **
Add ACH Payment Method.
** V 2.2.1 **
Fixed Charge twice issue.
** V 2.2.2 **
Form field required issue fixed.
** V 2.2.3 **
Tested on wordpress 5.8
** V 2.2.4 **
Plugin not delete issue fixed.
** V 2.2.7 **
wpspf_vars is not defined issue fixed.
** V 2.2.8 **
Form optional Fields still required issue fixed.
** V 2.3.0 **
Twice payment issue fixed.
Credit Card logo added.
Payment Method dropdown issue fixed.
Hook added for enhance functionality.
** V 2.3.1 **
Add option for enable/disable credit card payment method.
Add option for display payment auth code with payment success message.
** V 2.4.0 **
Add feature to send email notification on success payment to the specified recipient email address.
** V 2.5.0 **
Add new feature to change form layout design like one column and two column design.
Add new feature to charge additional amount like tax, credit card fee etc.
** V 2.5.1 **
Add setting for manage form heading tag.
** V 2.6.0 **
Add setting for add credit card charge and display as a read only.
Add setting for display total amount.