Mô tả
Description: Widget/shortcodes menu(list or select field) based on posts categories/pages(also for custom post types and custom taxonomies). You can display subcategories(one level) and configure CSS, with optional jquery dropdown effect.
Based on Sample Hello World Plugin 2 (http://lonewolf-online.net/) by Tim Trott(http://lonewolf-online.net/)
and WP e-Commerce Featured Product by Zorgbargle | Phenomenoodle http://www.phenomenoodle.com
More info about the plugin:http://www.wpworking.com/
Arbitrary section
You can also use this hack instead of the plugin http://wp.me/p1fZU8-7A
If you have any questions, please let me know alvaron8@gmail.com
This readme file were validated at https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/about/validator/
Ảnh màn hình
Cài đặt
- After the steps bellow, go to the permalink settings page and update it without changing, it flushes
WordPress permalink settings and make the product permalink work.
- Upload
folder to the/wp-content/plugins/
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
Version 7.0.0 supports short codes, like this:
[wpcm tpp=’s’ pggo=’c’ tte=” typep=’posts’ catg=’category’ subc=’false’ orient=” styatr1=” styatr2=” styatr3=” styatr4=” ste=’Select a Category’ selcss=”]
tpp – Menu Type – ‘s’ select ‘m’ menu – default = ‘posts’;
pggo – Display Pages or Categories? ‘c’ categories ‘p’ pages;
tte – Widget Title – default = ”;
typep – Posts Type – default = ‘posts’;
catg – Posts Category – default = ‘category’;
subc – Display subcategories/child pages(one level) – default =” ;
sbmn – Use Jquery drop down subcategory submenu – default =” ;
orient – Menu Orientation(doesn’t work for select field) ‘h’ or ‘v’ – default =” ;
styatr1 – Main menu(ul) CSS (doesn’t work for select field);
styatr2 – Main menu(LI) CSS (doesn’t work for select field);
styatr3 – Sub menu(ul) CSS (doesn’t work for select field);
styatr4 – Sub menu(LI) CSS (doesn’t work for select field);
ste – Select first option text(doesn’t work for regular menu) – default is “Select One”;
selcss – Select field CSS(doesn’t work for regular menu)
- Register a widget sidebar on your functions file, for example, just paste the code below on your theme functions.php
/if ( function_exists(‘register_sidebar’) )
‘name’ => ‘wp_categ_menu’,
‘before_widget’ => ”,
‘after_widget’ => ”,
‘before_title’ => ”,
‘after_title’ => ”,
- Go to the permalink settings page and update it without changing
You if you have already registered any sidebar, you can drag the WP Categ Menu
widget inside it, at wp-admin
- Configure the widget on your wp-admin pannel and save(see screenshot 1)
- Use the PHP code bellow where you want the widget to show, on your theme pages
/* if ( !function_exists(‘dynamic_sidebar’) || !dynamic_sidebar(‘wp_categ_menu’)) : endif; */ - You can also play with its CSS styles, so using the ids divcateg, ulcateg and the dynamic generated licateg_[category slug], you may change the category menu appearance. If you choose to use the select field menu, use the element selcateg to change CSS.
- Go to the permalink settings page and update it without changing
Hỏi đáp
If you have any questions, please let me know alvaron8@gmail.com
Đánh giá
Không có đánh giá nào cho plugin này.
Người đóng góp & Lập trình viên
“WP Categ Menu” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.
Những người đóng gópDịch “WP Categ Menu” sang ngôn ngữ của bạn.
Muốn tham gia phát triển?
Duyệt code, check out SVN repository, hoặc theo dõi nhật ký phát triển qua RSS.
Nhật ký thay đổi
On version 7.0.0 works with shortcodes
On version 6.0.2 fixed javascritp bug
On version 6.0.1 fixed bug for categories or pages with “-” on the name
On version 6.0.0 you can choose pages or categories to display on the menu
bug fixed on ul-li menu