Plugin này chưa được cập nhật với 3 phiên bản mới nhất của WordPress. Nó có thể không được hỗ trợ và bảo trì, và có thể xung đột với các phiên bản WordPress mới nhất.

WeChat (连接微信)

Mô tả

This plugin can achieve search WordPress post, custom keywords, message records and data analyze, custom menu.






  1. 使用微信/易信/新浪微博私信搜索Wordpress文章
  2. 后台关键字自定义回复(包括文本、图文、自定义图文、音乐等)
  3. 自定义菜单(微信服务号可申请,易信任何人都可以申请,微博粉丝服务平台本身就有。)
  4. 支持对接第三方微信平台 NEW!
  5. 消息记录 (用户与公众平台的互动记录)
  6. 数据分析 (包括消息记录统计、热门关键字、活跃用户等)
  7. 基于百度地图API的微信周边搜索
  8. 有道中英文互译功能。
  9. 用微信/易信发布微博(需要安装WordPress连接微博
  10. 支持wp后台自动更新插件。

仅售:¥149 RMB 或者 $28 USD 购买地址:


WordPress连接微博专业版 用户购买本插件享受8折优惠,输入上次购买的域名后即可看到优惠。

Current Features:

  1. Use WeChat/Yixin/Weibo to search Wordoress Posts
  2. custom keywords to reply (include text, image + text, custom image + text, music and etc…)
  3. message records (transcripts betweens clients and public account)
  4. Data Analizy ( included message record,keywords,user activities)
  5. WeChat custom menu ( WeChat Service account should apply)
  6. User could use WeChat to publish Weibo ( need WP Connect plugin )
  7. support automaticly update from WordPress backend.

only:¥149 RMB or $28 USD Buy Now:

WP Connect Pro Version User could gain 8 Discount,enter your registered domain to get discount details.


  1. 打开微信公众平台 ,点击右上角的“注册”。
  2. 登录QQ后,填写信息,其中第一项“帐号名称”,尽量取得好听写,支持中文噢。(注册后不可修改)
  3. 选择“普通公众帐号类型”
  4. 注册完成后,您可以在“设置”里面,看到您的微信号和二维码,建议把二维码下载下来并上传到您的网站,放在醒要位置。
  5. 点击菜单栏的“高级功能”,先进入”编辑模式”,点击“关闭”。之后进入“开发模式“,点击“开启”,再点击下面的“成为开发者”,在“接口配置信息”里面填写上面提示的URL和Token。

“WeChat Public Account” Account Opening Instruction

  1. Open WeChat Public Account, click on “Register”.
  2. Login to your QQ account, provide all your details, please give a nice name for “Account Name” (Notes: This account name cannot be changed after this setting).
  3. Select”Regular WeChat Public Account”
  4. After registration, you could view your account number and QR code under “Settings”. It is a good way to download this QR image and put on your website.
  5. Click “Advance Function”, Disable “Editor Model” and go to “Developer Model”, enable it, then click on “Become Developer”, please fill correct URL and Token.

Ảnh màn hình

  • 插件后台 – 基本设置
  • 插件后台 – General Settings
  • 插件后台 – 自定义回复1
  • 插件后台 – 自定义回复2
  • 插件后台 – 消息记录
  • 插件后台 – 数据分析
  • 插件后台 – 自定义菜单
  • 微信界面
  • 易信界面
  • 微信周边搜索1
  • 微信周边搜索2
  • 有道中英文互译

Cài đặt

  1. Upload the wechat folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Configure the settings using “wechat” under Settings panel.

下载 连接微信(weixin) 插件,上传wechat目录及其文件到 “/wp-content/plugins/” 插件目录,在后台管理中激活插件,到设置页面开启功能并设置,以及账号绑定等.

Hỏi đáp

Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the wechat folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Configure the settings using “wechat” under Settings panel.

下载 连接微信(weixin) 插件,上传wechat目录及其文件到 “/wp-content/plugins/” 插件目录,在后台管理中激活插件,到设置页面开启功能并设置,以及账号绑定等.

Đánh giá

Đọc tất cả 1 đánh giá

Người đóng góp & Lập trình viên

“WeChat (连接微信)” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.

Những người đóng góp

Nhật ký thay đổi

This plugin can achieve search WordPress post, custom keywords, message records and data analyze, WeChat custom menu.