Plugin này chưa được cập nhật với 3 phiên bản mới nhất của WordPress. Nó có thể không được hỗ trợ và bảo trì, và có thể xung đột với các phiên bản WordPress mới nhất.

VAT MOSS Returns

Mô tả

Each quarter businesses selling to EU consumers must submit a MOSS report to one of the EU tax authorities, such as HMRC, to document sales to consumers in other EU member states.
This plug-in integrates with Easy Digital Downloads and/or Woo Commerce so it is able retrieve relevant sales records from which to create the quarterly return.

If you are the owner of a UK-based shop you may also be interested in the plug-in that generates and submits the quarterly EC Sales List (VAT101).

Chức năng

Select your e-commerce package

* Easy Digital Downloads or
* Woo Commerce

Create quarterly or monthly submissions

* Select the transactions to be included
* The plugin will only present sales to EU consumers so you cannot select invalid sales records
* Specify the quarter for the submission
* Review the MOSS report and then generate an electronic upload files in a format suitable the Austrian, Belgian, Cypriot,
  Danish, Estonian, German, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourg, Polish and UK tax authorities (to be expanded as information and tax authority 
  services becomes available)
* Coming soon: Irish and Dutch
* Coming later: France, Italy
* The Greek, Spanish and Slovakian tax authorities do not intend to support electronic file uploads


[Watch videos]( "Videos showing the plug-in working") showing how to setup the plugin, create a report definition and generate an output file

Generate a file you can upload to your tax authority

Buy credits to generate a file the format required by your tax authority.

Ngôn ngữ

AT/DE Neues EU-Mehrwertsteuer MOSS Berichtsdefinitionen aus EasyDigitalDownloads und WooCommerce erstellen Sie Dateien hochladen zu richten an Ihren Steuerbehörde

CY EasyDigitalDownloads ve WooCommerce satış kayıtları bir AB KDV Moss rapor tanımlarını oluşturun ve yük dosyaları oluşturmak , vergi dairesine gönderilmesi gerekir

DK Opret en EU-moms Moss rapportdefinitioner fra EasyDigitalDownloads og WooCommerce salgsrekorder og skabe indlæse filer skal sendes til skattekontoret

EE Loo EL-i käibemaksu MOSS aruande määratlusi EasyDigitalDownloads ja WooCommerce müügi arvestust ja luua laadida faile saata oma Maksuhaldur

FR/BE/LU Créer UE TVA MOSS rapport définitions de EasyDigitalDownloads et WooCommerce records de ventes et de créer des fichiers de téléchargement pour être envoyé votre autorité fiscale

IT Creare un EU VAT Moss definizioni dei report da EasyDigitalDownloads e record di vendite WooCommerce e creare file di carico deve essere inviato all’ufficio delle imposte

LI Sukurti ES PVM Moss ataskaitos apibrėžimus iš EasyDigitalDownload ir WooCommerce pardavimų apskaitoje ir sukurti apkrovos failus turi būti siunčiami mokesčių inspekcijai

NL/BE Maak EU BTW MOSS rapport definities van EasyDigitalDownloads en WooCommerce verkoop records en uploaden van bestanden maken om uw belastingdienst worden gezonden

PL Załóż swoje definicje raportów VAT UE Moss z EasyDigitalDownloads i WooCommerce ewidencji sprzedaży i tworzenia plików obciążenia należy przesłać do urzędu skarbowego

SE Leverantörer i alla EU: s medlemsstater kan skapa EU-moms MOSS rapportdefinitioner från EasyDigitalDownloads och WooCommerce försäljningsrekord och skapa ladda upp filer som ska skickas din skattemyndighet.

Ảnh màn hình

  • The first task is to define the settings that are common to all submissions.
  • The second task is to select the e-commerce package you are using.
  • The main screen shows a list of the existing submissions.
  • New definitions are created by specifying the correct header information, most of which is taken from the settings, and also select the sales transactions that should be includedin the submission

Cài đặt

Install the plugin in the normal way then select the settings option option from the VAT MOSS menu added to the main WordPress menu. Detailed configuration and use instructions can be found on our web site.


This plugin requires that you capture VAT information in a supported format such as the format created by the Lyquidity VAT plugin for EDD
or the WooCommerce EU VAT Compliance plugin “Premium version”
or the WooCommerce EU VAT Assistant.

Hỏi đáp

Q. Do I need to buy credits to use the plugin?

A. You are able to create a submission that will list the transactions to be included in quarterly return without buying credits. However to generate a file you are able to upload to your tax authority you will need to buy one or more credits.

Q. Do I need to buy a credit to test the generation of an upload file?

A. No, you are able to see a facsimile of the VAT MOSS return before you buy a credit.

Đánh giá

Không có đánh giá nào cho plugin này.

Người đóng góp & Lập trình viên

“VAT MOSS Returns” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.

Những người đóng góp

“VAT MOSS Returns” đã được dịch qua 1 ngôn ngữ. Cảm ơn những người tham gia dịch vì đóng góp của họ.

Dịch “VAT MOSS Returns” sang ngôn ngữ của bạn.

Muốn tham gia phát triển?

Duyệt code, check out SVN repository, hoặc theo dõi nhật ký phát triển qua RSS.

Nhật ký thay đổi


Initial version released


Update version number to 1.0.2
Added company name (needed by the Swedish upload format)
Corrected domain name use


Fixed a problem when deactivating


Fixed a problem with an invalid constant name in vatidvalidator.php


Extra protections against malicious execution


Small change to prevent js and css files being added to the front end


Added the ability to test an upload file generation. The file will be created but the values will be zero


Changes to address problems with translatability


Added Finnish translation thanks to Ahri (


Added support for the free WooCommerce VAT plugin by Aelia
Added an option to include non-virtual products (defaults to virtual only)
Added extra warnings if WooCommerce or EDD and a corresponding VAT compliance plugin is not installed and activated


Fixed transaction selection to correctly handle the existence of a VAT number


Change to readme.txt


Fixed the tests to confirm the existence of the Lyquidity plugin (EDD) or the Simba or EU VAT Assistant plugin (WooCommerce)


Wrong store URL included


Updated references to the service site
Updated to allow any number of credits in the same period


Updated add_query_arg calls to escape them as recommended by the WordPress advisory


Fixed text domain errors


Fixed problem preventing the generation of a summary report


Fixed problem introduced as part of the effort to implement the WordPress advisory on using escape functions


Fixed problem preventing any entered license key showing


Fixed incompatibility with WP 4.4 that prevented the summary being displayed
Updates to prevent notice messages appear in the WP log when using PHP 7.0


Change the use of home_url( ‘/’ ) to home_url( ‘/’, $scheme = relative ) so the plugin will work on a site using HTTPS
where the site blog table contains HTTP.


Supports WordPress 4.5.1


Update WordPress supported version


Completed the ability for a user to select the rate type for EDD payments


Fixed a problem that prevented the plugin accessing Euro exchange from the ECB web site.


Updated submissions.php to allow for locale strings > 255 which the setlocale function does not allow.

= 1.0.27

Added support for EDD fees which are used by the EDD ‘pro’ discount plugin to implement discounts.

= 1.0.28

When used on the 31st of the month only months with 31 days are included in the period selection month dropdowns

= 1.0.29

Removed lines 41-49 from new-submission.php as they are redundant and the use of constants on line 42 causes a warning message to be written to the log file.