Tag của Plugin: buddypress
BuddyPress First Letter Avatar
(16 tổng đánh giá)A WordPress-BuddyPress plugin to set fancy custom avatars for users with no Gravatar and no profile picture.
BuddyPress Poke
(4 tổng đánh giá)BuddyPress Poke Plugin allow members to poke users just like facebook.
Wbcom Designs BuddyPress Todo List
(6 tổng đánh giá)The BuddyPress Todo List plugin allows BuddyPress members to add tasks to their to-do list and will enable them to 'edit,' 'delete, …
BuddyPress Group Chatroom
(3 tổng đánh giá)This plugin provides neat chatrooms into BuddyPress groups. Each Group admin can enable a group Chat room, available for all group members to view and …
BP Local Avatars
(7 tổng đánh giá)A BuddyPress plugin that creates Gravatar avatars for any user or group without one, and stores them locally.
Limit BuddyPress Groups Per User
(3 tổng đánh giá)Limit Groups Per user plugin allows site admins to restrict the number of groups a user can create on a BuddyPress based Social network.
BuddyPress Admin Only Profile Fields
(2 tổng đánh giá)Easily set the visibility of BuddyPress profile fields to hidden, allowing only admin users to edit and view them.
Popup Maker – BuddyPress Integration
(0 tổng đánh giá)Adds integrated functionality between Popup Maker & BuddyPress.
myCred BP Group Leaderboards
(0 tổng đánh giá)This add-on allows you to setup leaderboards for your BuddyPress groups that are based on the groups members balances. These leaderboards are generate …
Buddy Notification Bell
(14 tổng đánh giá)Buddy Notification Bell convert BuddyPress notification to BuddyPress Bell Notification. It shows all notification with bell alert and anywhere you wa …
ZooEffect Plugin for Video player, Photo Gallery Slideshow jQuery and audio / music / podcast – HTML5
(13 tổng đánh giá)Photo Gallery with slideshow function, video players, music and podcast, many templates (players) and powerfull admin to manage your media assets with …
Mass Messaging in BuddyPress
(13 tổng đánh giá)Ever wanted to send a message to many people at once? Now you can, introducing – Mass Messaging.
Wbcom Designs – Check-ins for BuddyPress Activity
(11 tổng đánh giá)This plugin allows members to share their location when posting activities. Members can add places they have visited or nearby locations using the Goo …
BuddyPress Registration Groups
(7 tổng đánh giá)Allows a new BuddyPress user to select groups to join during the registration process.
BuddyPress Like
(26 tổng đánh giá)Gives users the ability to 'like' content across your BuddyPress enabled site.
Wbcom Designs – BuddyPress Group Reviews
(4 tổng đánh giá)BuddyPress Group Reviews allows BuddyPress members to add group reviews & give multiple to given criteria(s). After posting reviews, all reviews w …
Custom Profile Filters for BuddyPress
(3 tổng đánh giá)Allows users to take control of the way that the links in their Buddypress profiles are handled.
BuddyPress Shortcodes
(5 tổng đánh giá)BuddyPress Shortcodes helps you in building your BuddyPress website by adding functionality of Shortcodes to BuddyPress plugin.