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Surbma | Gravity Forms Tabindex Fix

Mô tả

IMPORTANT! The latest version of Gravity Forms has a new option to add tabindex to its forms. When you insert a new form in a post or page, you can find this option under the “Advanced Options”. There you can give a value to the tabindex, which will fix this issue without my plugin. It means there is no need to use this plugin, if you give this tabindex value to every form on your page. This plugin is still working and it can save you time, so if you want to use it, there is no conflicts or any problem.

Fix for Gravity Forms (affiliate link) tabindex issue, when more than one forms are displaying on one page.

Original solution from David Smith, Gravity Wiz. Thank you!

Cài đặt

  1. Upload surbma-gravity-forms-tabindex-fix folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the Surbma | Gravity Forms Tabindex Fix plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. That’s it. 🙂

Hỏi đáp

Is it working with other form management plugins?

No. It is working only with Gravity Forms (affiliate link).

What does Surbma mean?

It is the reverse version of my last name. 😉

Đánh giá

3 Tháng chín, 2016 1 trả lời
I’m surprised, even embarrassed by the fact Gravity Forms doesn’t do this automatically. Having to do this manually using “advanced options”, give me a break! There’s no reason you would ever want two fields to have the same tabindex. Thanks for this. Update: Looks like Gravity Forms added a solution so this plugin is no longer needed. Still, I appreciate the fix when it was needed!
Đọc tất cả 1 đánh giá

Người đóng góp & Lập trình viên

“Surbma | Gravity Forms Tabindex Fix” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.

Những người đóng góp

Nhật ký thay đổi


Release date: 2020-02-10

  • TWEAK – Tested with WordPress 5.3 version.
  • TWEAK – Updated to use a new way to deploy it to repo.


  • Fix localization.
  • Prevent direct access to the plugin.


  • Updated description: IMPORTANT! The latest version of Gravity Forms has a new option to add tabindex to its forms. When you insert a new form in a post or page, you can find this option under the “Advanced Options”. There you can give a value to the tabindex, which will fix this issue without my plugin. It means there is no need to use this plugin, if you give this tabindex value to every form on your page. This plugin is still working and it can save you time, so if you want to use it, there is no conflicts or any problem.


  • Fixed urls in description.
  • Checked compatibility with WordPress 4.1.


  • Added pot file for localization


  • First commit to the official WordPress repo.


  • Initial release.