Plugin này chưa được cập nhật với 3 phiên bản mới nhất của WordPress. Nó có thể không được hỗ trợ và bảo trì, và có thể xung đột với các phiên bản WordPress mới nhất.

Quote of the Day Site2Quotes Widget

Mô tả

This plugin allows you to put a Quote of the Day Widget right on your Website Pages anywhere you want by using our Site2Quotes Widget that will display amazing quotes everyday right on your website that will inspire thousands of visitors on your website everyday with fresh quotes.

Site2Quotes Widget updates automatically every day, right on your site and you can choose your own quote category for the Widget Like Love Quotes, Inspirational and Motivational Quotes Can’t decide which category you like best? No problem! Can Add Multiple Widgets of different types on same page and have option to customize the quotes display and appearance like you want to show Quotes as Image or Plain text.

Site2Quotes is world’s best quotations web portal and you can expect a fresh Quote of the Day that educates, entertains and inspires your visitors on website.

Chức năng

  • Widget allows you to place a Quote of the Day anywhere in your wordpress website
  • Widget automatically adapts to the theme of your page
  • Widget has more then 20 categories to choose from that gives fresh quotes of the day everyday
  • Site2Quotes Plugin allows you to place multiple widgets on your same page with any category
  • You can also Customize the Appearance of Quotes to show them with beautifull image in the background or just a simple plain text

Quote of the Day

Happiness is a direction, not places.


For more information

To learn more about the plugin, visit our Quotes Widget page on our website or you can also send us a email to

Ảnh màn hình

  • Upload the Downloaded .zip in the admin panel of wordpress (Plugins > Add New) or Search for site2quotes to Install the Plugin directly and easily from Wordpress without zip file and Activate the Plugin after the Installation.
  • After Installing and Activation go to (Appearance > Widgets) and Drag the Quote of the Day Site2Quotes Widget to any widget area like (Main, Secondary, Sidebar etc)
  • Screenshot of the wordpress page with a single Quote Of The Day widget.
  • Screenshot of the wordpress page with multiple Quote Of The Day widgets in content sidebar area.

Cài đặt

  1. Upload Downloaded .zip to the WordPress by visiting the Plugins Add New Option in your WordPress Admin Panel or Search for site2quotes in the Plugin > Add New Screen and Click on Install.
  2. Activate the plugin after uploading through the Installed Plugins menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Appearance, Widgets in WordPress.
  4. Drag the Site2Quotes Widget to the sidebar, for example the Main Widget Area or the Secondary Widget Area.
  5. Optionally, select the appearance or type of quotes you would like to show. (for example, Love, Inspirational, Funny or Friendship)

Hỏi đáp

Can I add multiple quote widgets to my site?

Yes! Each time you add a widget, you can select the category you want to appear on your page. You could have one widget that displays the “Quote of the Day” from our love collection and another widget
below it displaying the “Quote of the Day” from inspirational collection.

What versions of WordPress does this work with?

We tested with all major versions but it probably works with most of the versions of wordpress.

Let us know in the “Compatibility” poll if it does work with a particular version, and let us know (via the Support tab) if there are any issues with anything newer than 4.1. Thanks!

Người đóng góp & Lập trình viên

“Quote of the Day Site2Quotes Widget” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.

Những người đóng góp

Nhật ký thay đổi


  • Initial release.