Mô tả
OSM Categories embed an OpenStreetMap map to your page by using the OpenLayer API. For every category in your blog a differnt layer on your map show markers for every article with an geotag.
You just have to save the lon and lan parameters in a custom field. It’s possible to use different marker images for every category.
In your page just insert the shortcode: [osm-cats]
Open the plugin settings page for basic settings like:
- map dimensions
- map center point
- initial zoom faktor
- exclude categories
- article custom field for marker lon and lat parameters
- marker popup content
- marker images path
It’s still BETA so please send me feedback and your ideas! Thanx a lot.
Cài đặt
- Search for and install OSM Categories directly through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
- Download and unzip OSM Categories
- Upload the
directory to the/wp-content/plugins
directory - Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
Hỏi đáp
- Why i see the hole world on the map?
It’s necessary to define a map center point on the plugin settings page.
- Where can i give you feedback?
I sink the best would be here: https://github.com/KiTo/OSM-Categories
Đánh giá
Không có đánh giá nào cho plugin này.
Người đóng góp & Lập trình viên
“OSM Categories” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.
Những người đóng gópDịch “OSM Categories” sang ngôn ngữ của bạn.
Muốn tham gia phát triển?
Duyệt code, check out SVN repository, hoặc theo dõi nhật ký phát triển qua RSS.
Nhật ký thay đổi
- NEW: Include or exclude categories
- NEW: Add Google Baselayers – Terrain, Roadmap, Satellite, Hybrid
- NEW: Show only images with marker in the filename on the settings page
- FIX: Use marker path from settings
- NEW: Possibility to disable zoom wheel
- NEW: First release with basic features