Plugin này chưa được cập nhật với 3 phiên bản mới nhất của WordPress. Nó có thể không được hỗ trợ và bảo trì, và có thể xung đột với các phiên bản WordPress mới nhất.

Nutrition Information Table Facts

Mô tả

This plugin creates a nutrition table (custom post type) which can be assigned to any product (WooCommerce), page, post. It includes structured data json+ld on every table, for increase SEO and optimization. The plugin is multilanguage (English/Spanish).

Use the shortcode [nitf-label id=XX] to generate a nutrition table with label style and echo it where you want.

Reference daily intake values come from some websites and searching information (RDA).

Este plugin crea una tabla de nutrición (tipo de publicación personalizada) que se puede asignar a cualquier producto (WooCommerce), página, publicación. Incluye datos estructurados JSON+ld en cada tabla para aumentar el SEO y la optimización. El complemento es multilenguaje (inglés / español).

Utilice el shortcode [nitf-label id=XX] para generar una tabla de nutrición con el estilo de etiqueta y ponlo donde quieras.

Los valores de referencia de ingesta diaria provienen de algunos sitios web e información de búsqueda (CDR).

Reference webs for information / sitios web para obtener la información:



Ảnh màn hình

  • Menu in dashboard of Nutrition Table.
  • Listing all tables options with shortcode, page (with a href) and date.
  • Adding new table
  • Nutritional table echo.
  • JSON+LD on every page/post/product where is the shortcode.

Cài đặt

  1. Upload the folder nutrition-information-table-facts to the /wp-content/plugins directory or use WordPress tool for upload

  2. Activate the plugin in plugins menu.

  3. Create a table in the admin panel of plugin (Nutritional table)

  4. Include the shortcode [nitf-label id=XX] where you want a specific label to be displayed.

  5. DEVELOPERS: When creating the label you can also specify the Page or Post you want the label to appear and include echo do_shortcode(“[nitf-label]”); in the template where you want the label.

  1. Cargue la carpeta nutrition-table en el directorio /wp-content/plugins o usa la herramienta WordPress para cargar

  2. Activa el plugin en el menú de plugins.

  3. Crea una tabla en el panel de administración del complemento (tabla nutricional).

  4. Incluye el código corto [nitf-label id=XX] en el que desees que se muestre una tabla específica.

  5. DESARROLLADORES: al crear la etiqueta, también puedse especificar la página o publicación en la que desees que aparezca la etiqueta e incluir echo do_shortcode(“[nitf-label]”); en la plantilla donde quieras la tabla.

Hỏi đáp

Installation Instructions
  1. Upload the folder nutrition-information-table-facts to the /wp-content/plugins directory or use WordPress tool for upload

  2. Activate the plugin in plugins menu.

  3. Create a table in the admin panel of plugin (Nutritional table)

  4. Include the shortcode [nitf-label id=XX] where you want a specific label to be displayed.

  5. DEVELOPERS: When creating the label you can also specify the Page or Post you want the label to appear and include echo do_shortcode(“[nitf-label]”); in the template where you want the label.

  1. Cargue la carpeta nutrition-table en el directorio /wp-content/plugins o usa la herramienta WordPress para cargar

  2. Activa el plugin en el menú de plugins.

  3. Crea una tabla en el panel de administración del complemento (tabla nutricional).

  4. Incluye el código corto [nitf-label id=XX] en el que desees que se muestre una tabla específica.

  5. DESARROLLADORES: al crear la etiqueta, también puedse especificar la página o publicación en la que desees que aparezca la etiqueta e incluir echo do_shortcode(“[nitf-label]”); en la plantilla donde quieras la tabla.

What units does the label use?
  • Grams: Total fat, Satured fat, Transgenic fat, Carbohydrates, Fiber, Sugars, Salt and Proteins
  • Milligrams (mg): Cholesterol, Chlorine and Sodium
  • Unitless: calories, serving size
  • You should include the unit in the serving size attribute (example: “mg, ml, g, l, oz…”)
Which is the RDA table value?
  • Total fat => 65g
  • Satured fat => 20g
  • Cholesterol => 300mg
  • Salt => 6g
  • Sodium => 40% of salt.
  • Carbohydrates => 200g
  • Fiber => 27g
  • Proteins => 55g
  • Sugars => 90g.

Đánh giá

Không có đánh giá nào cho plugin này.

Người đóng góp & Lập trình viên

“Nutrition Information Table Facts” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.

Những người đóng góp

Nhật ký thay đổi


  • Initial release