Plugin này chưa được cập nhật với 3 phiên bản mới nhất của WordPress. Nó có thể không được hỗ trợ và bảo trì, và có thể xung đột với các phiên bản WordPress mới nhất.

NextGEN Gallery Search

Mô tả

NextGEN Gallery – Search Galleries

NextGEN Gallery – Search Galleries adds a search option to the existing NextGEN Gallery menu.

With this search option you can quickly and easily search through your galleries so you don’t have to go through a whole listst of galleries.
The output of the search will show in a table similar to the manage galleries page and will provide a link to that gallery.

NextGEN Gallery – Search Galleries even adds an option to search in the description which can be helpfull if you don’t remember the name.

And NextGEN Gallery – Search Galleries also has the ability to search for part of the name or description.
For instance: int will find internet, but also winter, ballpoint, saints etc.

Please note: this plugin requires NextGEN Gallery installed.

Key features:

  1. Find galleries easily!
  2. Search for name or description.
  3. Outputs a link to the gallery.

Ảnh màn hình

  • NextGEN Gallery – Search Galleries page.

Cài đặt

Install NextGEN Gallery Search

Option 1:

  1. Download NextGEN Gallery – Search Galleries to your computer
  2. Log into your WordPress admin
  3. Click Plugins –> Add New
  4. Click Upload (in the header)
  5. Search your computer for
  6. Click Install Now
  7. Click Activate Plugin
  8. Goto Gallery –> Search Galleries to use the plugin.

Option 2:

  1. Log into your WordPress admin
  2. Go to plugins in the menu
  3. Click on the Add New button at the top
  4. Type nextgen gallery search in the search box
  5. Go to the forst plugin and click Install Now
  6. Click Activate Plugin
  7. Goto Gallery –> Search Galleries to use the plugin.

Hỏi đáp

I installed the plugin but I can’t find the menu item

The plugin creates a new menu item under under Gallery called Search Galleries.

There is no menu called Gallery

If you don’t see a menu called Gallery you probably don’t have NextGEN Gallery installed. Please got to the plugins page and check if you have NextGEN Gallery installed and activated.

Đánh giá

Đọc tất cả 5 đánh giá

Người đóng góp & Lập trình viên

“NextGEN Gallery Search” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.

Những người đóng góp

Nhật ký thay đổi

V1.0 – 15/11/2013

  • Initial release on November 15th, 2013.

V2.0 – 20/11/2013

  • Fixed some errors.
  • Added the option to search with multiple keywords.

V2.1 – 22/01/2014

  • Updated roles. The following roles can now search galleries:

Super Admin,

V2.11 – 23/01/2014

  • Fix some errors. Thanks Antoinet for pointing them out 😉

V2.12 – 10/08/2015

  • Minor fixes