Plugin này chưa được cập nhật với 3 phiên bản mới nhất của WordPress. Nó có thể không được hỗ trợ và bảo trì, và có thể xung đột với các phiên bản WordPress mới nhất.


Mô tả

The Moovly WordPress Plugin will allow you to generate videos from your existing/new posts, which can be used in the
same post that is used to generate said video. We’ll use your title, content (up to the line) and your
featured image to fill a template(s) of your choice. If you want to spruce up your post with that video, use the [moovly-post-video] shortcode.

If you want to engage your visitors, you’ll definitely love our [moovly-template] shortcode. We’ll generate a form based on your template settings and when your visitor enters his/her information, they’ll be presented a video with their content.

We recommend running it on PHP 7.4 or higher. All currently supported PHP versions are compatible with the Moovly plugin.
The plugin maintains compability with older PHP versions, but we only support the currently supported PHP versions.

The plugin does not work with Permalink setting set to “Plain”.

Ảnh màn hình

Cài đặt

  1. Make sure the Settings -> Permalinks ‘Common settings’ is not set to ‘Plain’.
  2. Take a backup of your website
  3. Install the WordPress plugin
  4. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  5. Go to the Moovly -> Settings page and enter your Personal Access Token
  6. Pick your post template in the list of templates.
  7. Create a new post or save an existing post.

Hỏi đáp

I ran into some issues with the plugin. Can I get some help?

You can contact our technical support at

What is the recommended installation

We suggest a PHP 7.4 installation, and the latest WordPress version. If you are not sure about these things, make sure
to contact your system administrator. If you are the system administrator and are not sure, you can always install a
PHPInfo plugin that will tell you all the information that is needed.

Is this plugin free?

The plugin will always stay free. However, certain Moovly API operations (video rendering, …) are not free. The Moovly
API does come with a free trial. For more information, you can visit our developer portal (

I’ve updated and the plugin stopped working. What can I do?

We have some random behavior on older WordPress versions that when you update the plugin it randomly stops working for
your visitors. Disabling and re-activating this should solve it. This is also not unique to our plugin, but rather with
more JavaScript intensive plugins like ours.

Does this work with Gutenberg

Yes it does. It should work with any editor in theory, but some third-party editors strip [] or “” tags, which is vital
for shortcodes in general. Ones that do this, are therefore not supported with the visual editor, but you can always
resort to the code editor, which will allow you to put the shortcode in.

Which shortcodes are available?


[moovly-post-video post-id={optional:wordpress post id} width={optional:html width} class={optional:css class}]

[moovly-templates type={optional:template type} detailEndpoint={optional:string detailEndpoint} ] optional types: 'personal' | 'user-shared' | 'group-shared' | 'public'

[moovly-template id={required:template id} width={optional:html width} class={optional:css class} publish-to-youtube={optional:1} ]

[moovly-project id={required:template id} width={optional:html width} class={optional:css class}]



Đánh giá

Không có đánh giá nào cho plugin này.

Người đóng góp & Lập trình viên

“Moovly” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.

Những người đóng góp

“Moovly” đã được dịch qua 1 ngôn ngữ. Cảm ơn những người tham gia dịch vì đóng góp của họ.

Dịch “Moovly” sang ngôn ngữ của bạn.

Muốn tham gia phát triển?

Duyệt code, check out SVN repository, hoặc theo dõi nhật ký phát triển qua RSS.

Nhật ký thay đổi


  • Update Render list styling
  • Update Template list styling
  • Add WP-admin warnings


  • Add create-project=1 & create-render=1 support in a template shortcode.


  • Update documentation


  • Automatically publish to YouTube by adding publish-to-youtube=1 in a template shortcode. Make sure to link your account to YouTube via the Moovly Dashboard first.


  • Add renders, templates & remaining credits shortcode


  • Remove PHP 5.6 support


  • Add screen and webcam recording to template
  • Update template styling


  • Fixed a bug where the video preview would ignore the size restrictions and break your layout.


  • Fixed a bug where the status of a job was cached, making some jobs stuck on pending forever.


  • As we have moved away from unsigned uploads, one of our upload calls got broken. If you cannot upload any videos,
    please update to this version and your troubles will be resolved.


  • Ensure compability with Microsoft Edge browser.


  • Had to rollback some technical improvements since it broke on the WordPress plugin repository install process.
  • Changed Template Form required field “Name” to “Video title” to avoid conflicts with template variables.


  • Improve project fetching. If you are being throttled, we’ll retry in 10 seconds to make sure that video gets shown.
  • Humanize template variable names in forms, for easier reading
  • Prevent shortcodes for unrendered projects to show up
  • Add thumbnail to project view


  • Fixed a bug where some WordPress themes broke the post-code shortcode by not setting the height of the HTML element


  • We have gone golden. A lot of bugfixes, improvements and tweaks from the 1.0 version and we now have
    a stable plugin, which is live on the plugin repo! Huurray! We haven’t added any other features
    since the 1.0, but rather fleshed everything out.


  • The first release of our plugin, including Templates, Projects and Post automation.