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Plugin này đã bị đóng kể từ ngày 24 Tháng 10, 2024 và không khả dụng để tải xuống. Lý do: Lỗi bảo mật.

Đánh giá

19 Tháng 10, 2018
You really need to get the bundle they have available on their website to better understand how everything works. The bundle includes a custom theme that’s all set up for LucidLMS and it makes a big difference. There’s also demo content available. Between the theme and demo content, you can really get a grasp on how it all works. Big time saver. After using their theme and the demo content, you should be able to just use the LMS with your own theme and you’ll know what needs to be done for everything to display correctly. Both the LucidLMS plugin downloaded from here and the one downloaded from their site have 365 files and they both unzip to 3.1mb so I assume they’re identical. (I’m always leery of installing plugins and themes from outside of I recommend installing the theme first and then during a setup wizard you’ll be prompted to install some plugins including LucidLMS(the only required plugin). I tried installing the theme with the plugin already installed and it didn’t work. Setup didn’t recognize that the plugin was already installed.
23 Tháng 2, 2018
This plugin gets the job done, beautifully. – Creates courses – Sells courses – Protects course content – Integrates with Woocommerce – Uses coupons – Accepts all forms of payment, includes Paypal & Amazon Pay. – All of the above for free. I’ve tried all big LMS plugins and this one is the one that does all of the above for free. I found this plugin by accident but it turned out to be the one I’d been looking forever. This plugin has the potential to become the biggest LMS plugin on Wordpress.
29 Tháng 8, 2017
YES! Works great, easy to install and easy to use. I do think there are some features that can be added but as is it works for a lms and looks great as well as easy to use and figure out. Thanks for this plugin!
Đọc tất cả 4 đánh giá

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