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Getty ‘Ghetto’ Slider

Mô tả

Getty ‘Ghetto’ Slider is a jQuery slider that allows you to use clickable html content as a slide. Specifically created with free Getty Image embedded content in mind. jQuery slider is written by

Ảnh màn hình

  • This screenshot depicts the settings screen.
  • This is a screenshot of the slider

Cài đặt

  1. Upload getty-slider to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Edit the settings and choose the dimensions of the slider.
  3. Create new ‘Ghetto Slides’ as you would a new post. Add a custom field to the post with the key ‘destination-url’, for adding a link to the slide. Add a custom field to the post with the key ‘ghetto_caption’ to add a caption to the slide.
  4. Either put the shortcode [ghetto_slider] in post/page OR run the function do_shortcode(‘[ghetto-slider]’); in the theme files.

Đánh giá

Không có đánh giá nào cho plugin này.

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