DemoPress: Demo Content Generator

Mô tả

An easy-to-use plugin for generating demo content for newly created websites used during the website development and testing, before real content is created and added. The plugin includes several generators and many builders that can create text, names, images, and more. Plugin has ‘local’ and ‘remote’ builders. Remote builders depend on the online services to generate text or images. Local builders are written in PHP and can generate text, images, names and more. Most of the operations are based on randomization.

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Quick Overview Video

WordPress default Generators

  • Users: randomize from select roles, domains for emails, password; generate name and about; use name for email and login.
  • Terms: support for default and custom taxonomies; support for hierarchy; generate name and description.
  • Posts: support for default and custom post-types; support for hierarchy; generate, title, content, excerpt, publication date and author, featured image; assign terms.
  • Comments: support for threaded comments; limit posts to get comments; generate content, comment authors information.

bbPress Generators

  • Forums: support for forum hierarchy; generate forum title, content, publication date and author.
  • Topics: generate title, content, publication date and author; assign topic tags; select forums for generated topics.
  • Replies: generate title, content, author; date based on topic date; for topics from selected forums.

More Generators

  • WooCommerce Products: support for generating products with basic additional settings

Included Builders

  • HTML: generate HTML content. Includes local ‘LoremIpsum’ and remote ‘’ builders. Local builder can build content with basic block editor blocks.
  • Plain Text: generate plain text content. Includes local ‘LoremIpsum’ and remote ‘’ builders.
  • Name: generate names. Includes local ‘LoremIpsum’, ‘Randomizer’, and ‘RandomNames’ builders.
  • Title: generate titles. Includes local ‘LoremIpsum’, ‘Randomizer’, and ‘Listed’ builders.
  • Term: generate term names. Includes local ‘LoremIpsum’ and ‘Randomizer’ builders.
  • Image: generate or retrieve images. Includes local ‘Placeholder’, and ‘LocalStorage’; with remote ‘’ and ‘’ builders (both require API keys to access).

Additional Tools

The plugin has tools to export and import plugin settings (not data, just settings). And, it has a tool to remove all the generated data, with options to choose data by type. When removing posts, it can also remove attached images.

Documentation and Support

To get help with the plugin, you can use support forums, or you can use support forums.

Ảnh màn hình

  • Main generators panel
  • Generator: Users
  • Generator: Terms
  • Generator: Posts
  • Generator: Comments
  • Generator: bbPress
  • Generator: WooCommerce
  • Generator progress
  • Plugin settings
  • Data removal tool

Cài đặt

General Requirements

  • PHP: 7.4 or newer

WordPress Requirements

  • WordPress: 5.8 or newer

Basic Installation

  • Plugin folder in the WordPress plugins folder must be demopress.
  • Upload demopress folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  • Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

Hỏi đáp

Where can I configure the plugin?

Open the WordPress ‘Settings’ menu, there you will find ‘DemoPress’ panel.

Đánh giá

20 Tháng 12, 2020
Most comprehensive and easy to use content creation tool ever. Lots of options for creating pages, posts, and comments. Works great with bbpress (which for me is what really really makes this plugin shine). An absolute must for designers and developers. Cannot express how much I appreciate this great plugin! Extremely useful.
Đọc tất cả 2 đánh giá

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Nhật ký thay đổi

2.0 (2024.08.20)

  • New: tested with WordPress up to 6.6
  • New: tested with PHP up to 8.3
  • New: plugin system requirements
  • New: plugin interface aligned with the shared library
  • Edit: various small tweaks and changes to the interface
  • Edit: many tweaks and updates to the generators
  • Edit: many updates related to the code syntax
  • Edit: updated plugin screenshots on
  • Edit: Dev4Press Library 5.0.1
  • Del: removed a lot of the outdated styling
  • Del: removed several unused and outdated files
  • Fix: some assignment issues with Posts generator
  • Fix: woocommerce products had invalid discount meta value

1.6.1 (2022.05.15)

  • New: tested with the WordPress 6.0

1.6 (2022.04.13)

  • New: posts generators: support for the post-status
  • New: bbpress generators: support for the post-status

1.5 (2021.10.07)

  • New: generator: generate WooCommerce products
  • Edit: for content generator show notice for taxonomies with no terms
  • Edit: for content generator show only public taxonomies

1.4 (2021.08.03)

  • New: images placeholder generator: include rectangles
  • New: images placeholder generator: use post name or image size

1.3.1 (2021.07.30)

  • Fix: some library files have wrong name case

1.3 (2021.07.10)

  • New: images placeholder generator: lighter and darker background color
  • Edit: changed default priority for the main registration entry point
  • Edit: various improvements to the base generators
  • Edit: improved method for assigning custom taxonomy terms
  • Fix: in some cases custom taxonomy terms not assigned
  • Fix: minor issue in the generator registration method
  • Fix: regression in the bbPress generator for topics

1.2 (2021.07.08)

  • Edit: comments: improved handling top level option with value 0
  • Edit: author caching method accepts the list of roles to cache
  • Edit: removed some unused files from the forms directory
  • Edit: various PHP related improvements
  • Edit: Dev4Press Library 3.5.3
  • Fix: bbpress: forum roles for authors not taken into account
  • Fix: query to get comments was not using approved flag value
  • Fix: various typos and wrongly spelled words

1.1 (2020.11.25)

  • New: title builder: Listed – get titles from predefined list of titles
  • New: image builder: LocalStorage – get images from predefined storage location
  • Edit: various improvements to the core generator classes
  • Fix: posts generator breaks when post type has no taxonomies
  • Fix: few minor issues with the builder run methods default value

1.0 (2020.11.17)

  • First official release