Mô tả
This plugin makes it possible to submit caldera forms to CiviCRM’s Form Processor.
CiviCRM does not necessarily be installed in the same installation.
If it isn’t use the [CiviCRM McRestFace Connector plugin(https://github.com/CiviMRF/wpcmrf) to connect to a remote CiviCRM.
Configuration when CiviCRM is on a remote server
Use this when the front-end WordPress site and CiviCRM are on different servers:
- On the front-end site, install and activate:
- Caldera Forms – WP plugin
- Caldera Forms integration with CiviCRM Form Processor – this WP plugin
- CiviMcRestFace Connection Plugin – WP plugin
- On the front-end site, configure a CMRF connection to connect the front-end to the back-end
- On the back-end server, install and enable:
- CiviCRM Form Processor – CiviCRM extension
- On the back-end server, create a CiviCRM Form Processor
- On the front-end server, create a Caldera Form
- On the Procssors tab, click
Add Processor
- For each Form Processor you created, you should see a processor named the same as the Form Processor prefixed by ‘CiviCRM Form Processor’ and suffixed by ‘at ‘
Configuration when CiviCRM is installed locally
Use this when the frontend WordPress site and CiviCRM are in the same wordpress installation:
- Install and activate:
- Caldera Forms – WP plugin
- CiviCRM Form Processor – CiviCRM extension
- Caldera Forms integration with CiviCRM Form Processor – this WP plugin
- Create a CiviCRM Form Processor
- Create a Caldera Form
- On the Processors tab, click
Add Processor
- For each Form Processor you created, you should see a processor named the same as the Form Processor prefixed by ‘CiviCRM Form Processor’
NB – If you have not created any Form Processors, no CiviCRM Caldera Processors will be listed!
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“Integration of CiviCRM's Form Processor with Caldera Forms” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.
Những người đóng gópDịch “Integration of CiviCRM's Form Processor with Caldera Forms” sang ngôn ngữ của bạn.
Muốn tham gia phát triển?
Duyệt code, check out SVN repository, hoặc theo dõi nhật ký phát triển qua RSS.
Nhật ký thay đổi
1.0.1: Fixed issue with advanced file uploader
1.0.0: First version.