Mô tả
Easily settings interface and available sort to home, date archives, category/tag/taxonomy archives, search.
Sort Items
- Post Date
- Post Title
- Post Author
- Post Comments Count
- Post ID
- Post Last Modified
- Post Order (page attributes/menu_order)
- Custom Field of Post
For sort order to title
Available to ignore words of beginning of the title for post title of sort.
* The
* A
For sort order to custom fields
Available to automatically whether sort to number (meta_key_num) or sort to string(meta_key).
For Action/Filter
You will possible to action before and after the this plugin.
add_action( 'apsc_before_sort' , 'custom_apsc_before_sort' , 10 , 2 );
function custom_apsc_before_sort( $wp_query , $setting_data ) {
add_action( 'apsc_after_sort' , 'custom_apsc_after_sort' , 10 , 2 );
function custom_apsc_after_sort( $wp_query , $setting_data ) {
For Debug
You will possible to see the debug information after activate the Debug Bar plugin.
Ảnh màn hình
Cài đặt
- Upload the entire archive-posts-sort-customize folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- You will find ‘Archive Posts Sort Customize’ menu in your WordPress admin panel.
Hỏi đáp
- Q. For found the bug
A. Please contact the Support Forum.
https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/archive-posts-sort-customize - Q. Can I change the setting authority of the plugin?
A. Yes, You will be able to plugin authority. Please try the filter hook.
add_filter( 'apsc_capability' , 'custom_apsc_capability' ); function custom_apsc_capability( $capability ) { //var_dump($capability); $capability = 'edit_posts'; return $capability; }
Đánh giá
Người đóng góp & Lập trình viên
“Archive Posts Sort Customize” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.
Những người đóng gópDịch “Archive Posts Sort Customize” sang ngôn ngữ của bạn.
Muốn tham gia phát triển?
Duyệt code, check out SVN repository, hoặc theo dõi nhật ký phát triển qua RSS.
Nhật ký thay đổi
- Fxied: Show error when not installed debug bar plugin.
- Added: Support archives for Yearly/Daily.
- Added: Some actions before and after sort.
- Updated: Taxonomies archives settings.
- Security enhancement: Escape to add_query_arg/remove_query_arg.
- Added: Order field of Page Attributes of the Sort Target.
- Added: Ignore words of Post Title order of Sort.
- Added: Custon Taxonomies.
- Fixed: Get data mistake when category settings.
- Fixed: Javascript toggle miss.
- Updated: Settings for per Categories.
- Changed: Data version.
- Fixed: Data update way.
- Updated: Screen shots.
- BUg Fixed: Monthly archive link on settings screen.
- Changed: Data save process.
- Supported: Compatible to 3.8-RC1.
- Added: Customize sort for Monthly archive.
- Bug Fixed: Empty setting when order by is custom field.
- Added: Last modified of Sort target(orderby).
- Updated: Translations.
- Support for SSL.
- Check to 3.6.
- Added a confirmation of Nonce field.
- Added Search support.
- Some translation fixed.
Made it possible to sort of home.
This is the initial release.