Mô tả
affiliate-toolkit lets you easily integrate affiliate products into your WordPress posts. By using our templates, you can present the products in different boxes on your webpage.
By using extensions you can connect your affiliate website to amazon, ebay, AWIN and many other affiliate platforms.
For the latest information visit the plugin homepage:
The Documentation can be found her:
Create a support ticket:
Official facebook group:
- Amazon Product Advertising API to retrieve product data
- Replace Amazon Site Stripe (download addon for free)
- Amazon No Api Mode (download addon here)
- Shortcode generator
- Bestseller lists
- Search lists
- Import amazon products
- Search products from backend
- Supports HTTPS (ssl)
- Compatiblity mode für ASA1, ASA2 (download addon for free)
- Compatiblity mode für AAWP (download addon for free)
- Supports all Amazon stores activated for the API: Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Spain, France, India, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, USA
- Supports other networks: AWIN, billiger.de, eBay, CSV feeds, Geizhals, Yadore, Tradedoubler
- Connect with your tracking-id (100% your affiliate earnings)
- 100% compatiblity to caching plugins
Supported languages:
- German
- English
- Translateable with *.po files
Need more features?
Search in our extensions and download the extensions you need. Upload the extension as plugin and activate it.
Our free and premium extensions:
Get affiliate-toolkit now: https://www.affiliate-toolkit.com/pricing/
Mit dem Affiliate-Toolkit-Starter kannst du ganz einfach Amazon Produkte in deine WordPress Beiträge integrieren. Durch die Verwendung unserer Vorlagen, kannst du die Produkte in verschiedenen Boxen auf deiner Webseite präsentieren.
Die neuesten Informationen dazu findest du auf der Plugin Homepage:
Die Dokumentation kannst du dir hier ansehen:
Support Ticket erstellen:
Offizielle Facebook Gruppe:
- Verwendung der Amazon Product Advertising API
- Ersetzen von Amazon Site Stripe (Addon kostenlos herunterladen)
- Amazon No Api Modus (Addon hier herunterladen)
- Shortcode Generator
- Bestseller-Listen
- Suchlisten
- Import von Amazon-Produkten
- Suche nach Produkten aus dem Backend
- Unterstützt HTTPS (ssl)
- Kompatibilitätsmodus für ASA1, ASA2 (Addon kostenlos herunterladen)
- Kompatibilitätsmodus für AAWP (Addon kostenlos herunterladen)
- Unterstützt alle für die API aktiviert Amazon-Shops: Brasilien, Kanada, China, Deutschland, Spanien, Frankreich, Indien, Italien, Japan, Großbritannien, USA
- Unterstützt andere Netzwerke: AWIN, billiger.de, eBay, CSV feeds, Geizhals, Yadore, Tradedoubler
- Verwendung deiner Tracking-ID (100% deine Affiliate-Provision)
- 100% Kompatiblität zu den Caching-Plugins
Unterstützte Sprachen:
- Deutsch
- Englisch
- Übersetzbar mit * .po-Dateien
Benötigst du weitere Funktionen?
Durchsuche unsere Erweiterungen und lade die gewünschten Erweiterungen herunter. Die Erweiterung kannst du einfach als Plugin hochladen und aktivieren.
Unsere kostenlosen und Premium-Erweiterungen:
Hol dir das Affiliate-Toolkit jetzt: https://www.affiliate-toolkit.com/
Ảnh màn hình
Cài đặt
Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.
Hỏi đáp
Is the plugin completly free?
Yes, you can use it for free!
What if I need more features?
You just need to install the extension from our website.
Đánh giá
Người đóng góp & Lập trình viên
“affiliate-toolkit – WordPress Affiliate Plugin” là mã nguồn mở. Những người sau đã đóng góp vào plugin này.
Những người đóng gópDịch “affiliate-toolkit – WordPress Affiliate Plugin” sang ngôn ngữ của bạn.
Muốn tham gia phát triển?
Duyệt code, check out SVN repository, hoặc theo dõi nhật ký phát triển qua RSS.
Nhật ký thay đổi
- Fixed: Security Issue
- Added Escaping for output values
- Fixed: Missing Authorization via AJAX (thanks to Lucio Sá)
- Bugfix: Sometimes the info of the cronjob execution was not correct
- Added global functions for displaying product data (https://www.affiliate-toolkit.com/kb/global-functions/)
- Bugfix: Error on product view “get_smalllogourl”
- Bugfix: Saving was not possible
- New error handler: TypeError catch for some templates
- Removed Rocketscrape key
- Bugfix: product category now opened inside affiliate-toolkit menu
- License key are now hidden
- Bugfix: EAN was not enabled on product import
- Display shop logo is now default enabled
- Bugfix: Backend product view: Shop logos not displayed when filter was active
- Added sorting to outdated products. In some cases (big datasets) the product was never updated.
- Added global function atkp_display_box and atkp_get_largeimageurl to display product information without shortcode.
- Added link into footer for rating – Please rate us 🙂
- Bugfix: Error on product search
- Bugfix: atkp_queue table generation was not working
- Support for umami.is tracking
- Bugfix: Hide disclaimer was not working in shortcodes
- Sitestripe: Added support for template
- Bugfix: Sitestripe and product box template
- New: Support for new Amazon No-API mode extension
- Bugfix: Uncaught TypeError: Typed property atkp_queue_view::$saving must be an instance of mixed
- Fixed: XSS issue (thanks to Ngô Thiên An)
- Support for Amazon Site Stripe replacement extension: Amazon Site Stripe Replacement
- Bugfix: image redirect for manual images
- Security fix: log file location moved
- Security fix: External cronjob added key check
- Important: replace your existing cronjob url
- Bugfix: image redirect for manual variants
- Bugfix: EAN article number import was not correct
- Fixed: Security issue for bulk import
- Bugfix: image redirect for lists was not working
- Fixed security issue for image redirect *Important: Clear your cache after plugin update.
- Improvement for template editor
- Improvement for template export and import
- Added option to use price as fallback and not for overwrite
- Fixed: Open Redirection vulnerability (thanks to minhtuanact)
- Bugfix: Field percentagesaved was not exported
- Bugfix: Import shop settings throw fatal error
- New: Option for deactivating the select extension for the widget area
- New: Hide primary and secondary button via display settings.
- New: New “moreoffers” templates: “Additional offers (Buttons)” and “Additional offers (Logos)”
- Bugfix: Customer ratings not showing
- Bugfix: Exceptions in the template engine now are caught
- Bugfix: Existence check improved
- New: Welcome page on activation
- Bugfix: Some extensions did not show an update.
- Bugfix: German language file was not loaded for formal language
- Added missing translations
- Fixed: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability (thanks to Yuchen Ji)
- Support for “lock ean,gtin,isbn”
- Updated German translation
- Bugfixes
- Fixed: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability (thanks to hackintoanetwork)
- Bugfix: Price history: bugfix in removed shops
- Support for Amazon Poland
- Bugfix: Widget product select was not working
- Bugfix: AWIN Subshops are deleted when subshop changed
- Bugfix: Pagination was not working for templates
- Fixed: Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability (thanks to yuyudhn)
- Fixed: Image loading checksum error
- Optimized shop fields
- Support for new “Import Set” functionality
- Improved Amazon no api mode. Following countries supported: de,en,co.uk,ca,fr,co.jp,it,cn,es,in
- Improved stars rating load
- Rewrite of list load interface
- add button “send report now”
- bugfix: report was not sent
- Bugfix: own features and description are now display when exists as default
- Last product will not be removed. It will be hold until manual update.
- moving child shops to trash
- Redirect external logos via proxy
- New: Hide offers
- New: Feature/Description options for overwrite
- New: “Saved” percent in templates
- Amazon: Support for custom fields (filled when custom field exists): “a_color”, “a_height”, “a_length”, “a_width”, “a_weight”
- New: Style option (inline, inline head, file)
- New: Hide shop is now better visible
- Bugfix: border radius fix for highlight
- Bugfix: Posts view was not working
- Bugfix: Product title and title hover remain black after saving
- Bugfix: Tracking ID (override) in shortcodes was not replaced
- Bugfix: WP backend menu closes in product category and template view
- Setting “Default for the product box” removed
- Hidden shops are now hidden marked in backend
- Hidden shops are not displayed correct in frontend when offer is first position
- Bugfix: Extensions view fixed
- Bugfix: URL shortener was not working for subshops
- Removed: goo.gl shortener is now removed (service disabled in 2019)
- Bugfix: Title link color was not saved
- New attribute: “ajax_mode=’enabled’ and ‘disabled’”
- New option: Enable ajax load functionality without loading all shortcodes via ajax
- Improved: Loading of products via ASIN and EAN
- Internal tables creation: Support for InnoDB and remove of MyISAM
- Bugfix: Search via keyword does not always match
- Bugfix: Price reduction was not calculated on cron update
- Bugfix: Compare table lost styles
- Bugfix: Activating Ajax loading gave error for some lists
- Bugfix: Custom taxonomy placeholder was not working
- Amazon: Replaced the amazon sitestripe function
- Bugfix: Comparison Table showed error
- Bugfix: Tradedoubler Update was not working
- New Template: “Numbered product list”
- New custom design functionality
- Bugfix: Sortorder in field groups
- Product load via slug
- Bugfix: Redirect after duplicate in templates
- Bugfix: Creation of products in list import
- Bugfix: Admin links wrong link
- Bugfix: Toolset compatiblity issue
- Load products via Ajax
- bugfixes
- Added improvements to UI
- Bugfix: settings page throws error
- optimized the image loading via image proxy
- improved the min/max offer change for productboxes
- “group_result” parameter for grouping products (not showing every single offer)
- added filter “atkp_product_filter_args” and “atkp_product_filter_has_wp_filter”
- atkp shortcode shows now correct admin links
- Bugfix: Lists are empty if “import” was enabled
- Bugfix: Star rating not displayed if empty
- Bugfix: Manual offers not displayed
- Updated naming of setting tabs
- Removed unused files
- Added notification of discounts (disable via settings)
- Bugfix: widget error
- Bugfix: cronjob url fixed
- New: Option to show or hide shop name
- Prime logo replaced
- Bugfix: Products were visible in frontend search
- New: Shop logos now visible in backend
- Improvement for loading extensions
- Bugfix: “Umlaute” issue on product import
- Compatiblity fixes
- Relaunch of the complete plugin
- Bugfix: affiliate char was not displayed after a link
- Removed the amazon logo (https://forum.affiliate-toolkit.com/index.php?thread/657-h%C3%A4lt-das-plugin-die-amazon-teilnahmebedingungen-ein/)
- Bugfix: Widget don’t list products (select2 lib updated)
- Bugfix: Guzzle Http Error (if BackWup is installed)
- Bugfix: Fatal error when saving the amazon shop
- Bugfix: Amazon v5 Api support
- Bugfix: Percent character title will be now encoded
- Bugfixes
- Bugfixes
- New shortcode-generator added (button in wordpress-editor “AT Shortcode”)
- Support for manual product lists
- Support for own templates
- and much more…
- Bugfix: “Warning: Missing argument 6 for”
- Updated the readme.txt and adding the stable tag
- Updated the readme.txt and the plugin name
- Initial release