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Tải WordPress
Mẫu khối
Mẫu khối: Banner
Header area with geometric pattern
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Thêm mẫu mới
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Tất cả các mẫu
Tác giả: WordPress.org
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56 Mẫu khối
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Bộ lọc
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Cộng đồng
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Mới nhất
Sắp xếp
Sắp xếp
Phổ biến
Mới nhất
Cũ nhất
Mẫu khối: Banner
Header area with geometric pattern
Header area with geometric pattern
Media and text in a full height container
Media and text in a full height container
Media and text with image on the right
Media and text with image on the right
Media and text with image on the left
Media and text with image on the left
Large header with text and a button
Large header with text and a button
Large header with left-aligned text
Large header with left-aligned text
Large header with a heading
Large header with a heading
Large header with a heading and a button
Large header with a heading and a button
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